The Benefits of attending Morning Assembly Activities in School

Dear students, parents and fellow educators,

Today, I want to talk to you about something important that happens every day at school but you might not realize how big of a deal it is. It's called the Morning Assembly Activities. 

💯💞The day at  school begins with a morning school assembly. All students assemble at the ground and begin their day with a Morning prayer. This is followed by Oath, School Song, Quiz,exercise, news reading, thought of the day, speech, etc.

👉These activities are really important and can help you grow and become a better person.

1. Building a Sense of Unity:

Morning assembly activities help us all feel like we are part of a big family at school. When we gather together, it makes us feel like we belong and that we are all in this together. It helps us create a nice and friendly school where everyone feels supported and included.

2. Cultivating Discipline:

Going to the morning assembly every day helps kids learn how to be disciplined and on time. It teaches them the importance of starting the day on time and being responsible for what they do. This is not just important for school but also for when they grow up.

3. Nurturing Confidence:

When kids participate in assembly activities, like giving speeches or performing on stage, it helps them feel more confident. They can show off their talents and this makes them feel good about themselves. As they keep doing these activities, they become more confident in other parts of their school and personal lives too.

4. Encouraging Public Speaking Skills:

Speaking in front of a group of people is important, and morning assembly activities help you practice this skill. When you talk to your friends and teachers during the assembly, you get better at communicating and this will help you in the future.

5. Setting a Positive Tone:

In the morning at school, the assembly helps us start the day feeling happy and excited. We listen to Director Sir and teachers who give us good advice and say nice things to inspire us. We also hear School songs and take Oath that make us feel good. This helps us focus and do well in school.

6. Fostering a Sense of Responsibility:

Teaching students to be responsible means giving them jobs to do during the assembly, like being the host or helping with activities. This helps them understand that everyone in the school is important and has a part to play in making things go well.

7. Learning Values:

In the morning at 🏫, there are often meetings with motivators, scholars and Toppers,where we learn about being good and doing the right thing. 
We listen to stories and talk about how to be kind and make good choices. This helps us become good people and take care of our community.
In conclusion
Morning assembly activities are not just something we do every day, they are very important for your education.
🎯 As your teacher, I want you to be excited about these activities. They help you learn and grow, and they teach you to be confident, disciplined, and responsible. The good things you learn in morning assembly will stay with you even after you leave school.

🎈Keep attending the morning assembly with a smile, and you'll reap the rewards in your journey of learning and personal growth.

Yours in education,
Jsunil Sir
Follow Central Public School, Samastipur Facebook


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